The Heart and Soul of Diriyah Consulting

Our Story
Here’s the truth: Diriyah Consulting Company didn’t just sprout up overnight. We’ve been around for quite some time, and our roots trace back to a series of “aha moments” that took place amongst a group of visionaries who looked around and said, “We can do better, much better.”

We can do better, much better.

Driving Saudi Arabia towards unprecedented heights of growth and development

Our story began in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a land known for its rich history and booming prospects. Our founders knew that for the nation to keep growing, it needed homegrown expertise, especially in consultancy. We looked at Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030 roadmap, and we saw more than just a plan. We saw the future—a thriving, innovative, economically robust future. And we knew we had a part to play in making it happen.
The path wasn’t just laid out in front of us. We had to create it, step by step, alliance by alliance. We’ve formed strategic partnerships with international firms, accumulated a treasure trove of wisdom from industry pioneers, and brought together some of the most skilled consultants in the field. The result? A consultancy firm that is truly transformative, challenging the status quo and driving Saudi Arabia towards unprecedented heights of growth and development.


Our vision is audacious, clear, and illuminating. By 2026, we aspire to not just be on the global consulting map but to be one of its leading stars. We aim to be the catalysts for innovation and transformation, starting right here in Saudi Arabia.


Our compass is our mission, and it's directed toward one thing creating unmatched value for our clients, be it local startups or global enterprises. While we're intensely proud of our Saudi roots, we've got our sights set on worldwide impact.

Consulting isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition, which is why our approach is deeply personalized.

Meet the faces Behind Diriyah

We’re lucky to be surrounded by innovation, thanks to our partners.

Let's Get Started, Shall We?

Say hello to the faces that make Diriyah Consulting what it is. Each one of us is jazzed about driving change and creating impact, just like you.